The ACLU is for: The legalization of child pornography,abortion on demand,tax exemptions for satanist,totally legalized drug use,mandatory sex education for all grades,legalized prostitution, legalized gambling, giving gays and lesbians all the legal benefits that married people have, letting homosexuals become adoptive and foster parents, unconditional legal protection for flag-burners, greater benefits for illegal aliens and homosexuals who want to enter the U.S. Today's CRIME-SICK SOCIETY is the guaranteed OUTCOME of the ACLU'S IMMORAL VIEWS they are trying to FORCE ON all of US. According to the authoritive Politics of the ACLU by William A. Donohue, the ACLU has waged "innumerable court battles" to: Wipe out all prison sentences except in a few "extreme" cases "as the penalty of last resort";disallow capital punishment altogether;eliminate laws requiring criminals to make restitution to victims; eliminate all mandatory sentencing laws; facilitate early parole and release for criminals; restrict police search and arrest procedures; invalidate airport bomb detectors,drunk driving checkpoints,drug screening; prohibit law enforcement agencies from exchanging criminals' records;limit police in criminal investigations and interrogations; severely restirct riot control, swat team, and anti-terrorist activites and efforts; prohibit drug dealers from being evicted; decriminalize sodomy, obscene materilals, drug abuse, gambling ,and prostitution;prohibit parents from choosing their children's public school through coucher systems ---and much more! The ACLU is AGAINST: prayer in public school classrooms as well as in locker rooms, sports arenas, graduation exercises, courtrooms, and legislative assemblies, nativity scenes crosses, and other Christian symbols on public property,voluntary Bible reading in public schools,even during free time and after classes, imprinting "In God We Trust" on our coins,access for Christian school children to any publicly funded services,accredidation for science departments at Bible believing Christian universities, the posting of the Ten Commandments in classrooms or courtrooms,the words "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, school officals searching studen's lockers for drugs or guns,people on wel- fare being required to work in exchange for their government aid, secret CIA operations to rescue hostages or resist terrorist activites,the military draft,even in wartime-except during an extreme national emergency "as defined by the ACLU", tax exemptions for Christian Churches, ministries , and other charities, rating movies to alert parents about sex or violence,any prison term for most crimes!,parental consent laws, Christian's home-schooling their children,sobriety checkpoints, medical safety regulations and reporting of AIDS cases,public pro-life demonstrations,laws banning polygamy. How much MONEY FOR RAPE?: The ACLU has taken an anti-police position so frequently that it is their legacy. They took the anti-police position in the Rodney King case(The Pro- gressive, 8\91). They sued police in Louisiana to stop state troopers from catching lawbreakers with roadblocks(Journal of Commerce 3\3\93). And the ACLU continues to officially oppose prison terms for most crimes(Policy 242), preferring fines for everything but murder and treason.(How much should a rapist be fined?) The ACLU has made itself, in the words of former President George Bush, THE CRIMINALS LOBBY." CARTOONS and Arm-twisting: The ACLU does more than just litigate. Their " Foundation also operates an aggressive public education program (featuring,among other things ,friendly cartoon characters to communicate with children). And lobbying is a major function of the ACLU. Innumerable judges and law enforcement officials ,as well as both elected and appointed judges and other members of the judicial system, have felt the heat when the ACLU's lawyers move in with their supposedly legal opinions! The above was taken from a mailing of "The Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc." Post Office Box 407132 Fort Lauderville,Florida 33340-7132 Help Dr.D.James Kennedy unmask the ACLU-Show America what the ACLU really stands for-and how it's anti-Christian values are destroying the quality of American life.The influence of the ACLU must be stopped. Your gifts can make a Major Impact! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SYSOP NOTES: 1.Can a Christian or Christian politician support these views? 2.Can a patriot,Christian or non Christian support these views? 3.Demonic termites are everywhere eroding our values.The result is to create chaos in America and out of chaos bring order, A NEW WORLD ORDER. 4.What can you do:A>PRAY AND INTERCEDE B>Support groups like Corral Ridge Ministries and others C> Write your Congressmen D> Support historical Christian values and principles when and where they are attacked. The ACLU , are they patriots or traitors? This file is brought to you by: The Saint Clair County BBs 1(618)337-4688